Guitar Techniques Magazine – July 2020

Guitar Techniques – July 2020 PDF Download

Eric Clapton. We Celebrate EC's 75th year with four new style studies honouring this blues-rock legend's Beano, Cream, Solo career and Film and TV soundtrack work. Plus: 40 Blues Intros & Outros to add class to your solos' beginnings and endings. And: Greg Koch blues-country-jazz video masterclass. Michael Landau, The Smiths, Marillion style files & more!

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Guitar Techniques – July 2020
English | 86 pages | True PDF | 50 MB

Take the UK's foremost guitar teachers and players, and transfer their finesse and passion for music into a magazine! The magazine has established itself with guitarists who wish to better themselves as musicians in both the UK, Europe and as far afield as the USA and Hong Kong! When it comes to choosing music, GT's Abba to Zappa policy means that there's always something for everyone!

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Guitar Techniques – July 2020
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