Metal Hammer Issue 255 – April 2014 PDF

Metal Hammer – April 2014 issue Metallica bring on the f**king metal and Lacuna Coil's Cristina Scabbia talks about the influence of Italian movies on the bands music; especially that of the forthcoming album 'Broken Crown Halo'.

Metallica Lacuna Coil Cristina Scabbia
Metal Hammer Issue 255 – April 2014
English | Pages 132 | PDF | 117 MB

Metal Hammer (sometimes MetalHammer) is a monthly heavy metal music magazine published in the United Kingdom by Future plc, and in several other countries by different publishers. Metal Hammer articles feature both mainstream bands and more unusual acts from the whole spectrum of heavy metal music. In Germany, Metal Hammer has been the market leader since it was launched in 1984.

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Metal Hammer Issue 255 – April 2014 PDF
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