It GiRL Magazine – August 2023 PDF Download
In this issue
In the August issue of It GiRL we celebrate our 11th birthday and all things Barbie! We also chat about new movies, check out all the latest in gaming, look at how to beat the winter blues and cook some yummy new recipes. Check the latest celebrity gossip, try a brain teaser and more. There’s also some great Care Bears prize packs to win. What’s the coolest mag for girls? It GiRL. We know what girls like!
Magazine Details
Launched in 2012, It GiRL magazine is the freshest tween girls' magazine on the scene. Grab a pin-up, check the latest celebrity gossip, try a brain teaser, check out the latest fashion, read-up on the coolest movies, play some new games and more. There’s also some great prize packs to win. What’s the coolest mag for girls? It GiRL! We know what girls like!

It GiRL – August 2023