PC Gamer US Magazine – Issue 366, February 2023 PDF Download
In this issue
DEMONSCHOOL The real world is 2D, the demon world is 3D—everyone knows that. But when happens when some trendy teens start blurring the lines with turn-based battles? THE GOTY AWARDS 2022 After much impassioned debate, we’ve determined the very best games of the last 12 months. MOUNT & BLADE II: BANNERLORD Finally it’s ready to ride out of Early Access and into 1.0—is the full release a worthy sequel?
Magazine Details
PC Gamer brings you in-depth previews, exclusive feature stories, and the most hard-hitting reviews every month in the world's best-selling PC games magazine! Every month you'll get the inside scoop on the most exciting games in every genre from first-person shooters to MMORPGs and cutting-edge games from independent developers, along with detailed strategy guides, how-tos, and the latest news on mods and PC gaming hardware from the best-known authorities in PC gaming. PC Gamer helps you get the most out of the most powerful gaming platform in the world.

PC Gamer USA – Issue 366, February 2023