Cosmopolitan South Africa – January/February 2020

Cosmopolitan South Africa – January/February 2020 PDF Download

COSMOPOLITAN magazine is one of the most successful women's glossy magazines in South Africa; an indispensable read for a tribe of loyal Fun, Fearless Females. COSMO is the magazine for woman in her freedom years, the ambitious young woman’s bible. The dominant force in the young girl’s life, from guys to beauty, sex, careers, fashion and money matters. It encourages women to embrace all that it means to be fun and fearless.

Normani Cosmopolitan South Africa Cover
Cosmopolitan South Africa – January/February 2020
English | 149 pages | pdf | 52 MB

Normani opened up about leaving Fifth Harmony in the feature story of Cosmopolitan Magazine South Africa – January/February 2020 cover issue... .

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Cosmopolitan South Africa – January/February 2020
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