Cake Masters – February 2019

Cake Masters Magazine February 2019 PDF Download

Cake Masters is a popular glossy magazine for cake decorators and sugar crafters includes tutorials and a host of other features

Download Cake Masters Magazine February 2019 PDF
Cake Masters – February 2019
English | 84 pages | PDF | 43 MB

A fantastic monthly cake decorating magazine that offers fantastic tutorials for cake bakers to really stretch their stuff on magical and gorgeous cake designs. Each issue features a wide array of absolutely insanely creative cake styles and designs from talented cake decorators. As well as offering seasonal takes in its offerings each issue just can't help but showcase everything from towering garden cakes to whimsical cupcakes. To get a good preview of what this magazine has to offer we strongly suggest clicking on the arrows to preview covers of prior issues (sadly unavailable) which showcase offer just a glimpse of the gorgeous designs within.

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Cake Masters – February 2019
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