Computeractive UK 30 March 2016 PDF Download
Computer active is the UK’s best-selling computer magazine and your friendly guide to PCs, gadgets and the web! It includes regular news updates, project ideas, help and advice on popular reader queries, articles on anti-virus software, features on consumer rights, and a whole lot more to help you get the very best out of your computer. Get PC advice in plain English today – get Computer active!
Computeractive UK – 30 March 2016 English | 76 pages | True PDF | 22 Mb |
Windows 10 fixed Microsoft’s latest operating system might be impressive but it isn’t perfect. We provide solutions to some of your Windows 10 frustrations, Protect your eyes from screen glare We explain how best to make your computer and tablet screens a sight on the latest issue of Computer Active UK Magazine.

Computeractive UK – 30 March 2016