FHM Philippines - Sexiest: 15 years of stunning FHM women

FHM Philippines - Sexiest: 15 years of stunning FHM women – a visual celebration 2015 PDF Download

FHM is the no. 1 men's magazine in the Philippines. It covers general interest topics spanning babes, pop culture, fashion and grooming, sports, music, sex and relationship, and humor. Launched in March 2000, FHM Philippines has since dominated the publishing arena through its playful mix of witty articles, edgy photography and of course, the sexiest women in the land! Browse through pages of the alluring women! Learn about the hottest movies, gadgets and music! Read the most sensual stories as told by our FHM honeys! You can now take your trusted wingman (yes, FHM) anywhere you go.

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Sexiest: 15 years of stunning FHM women – a visual celebration 2015
English | ISBN: 6214041056 | True PDF | 220 pages | 68.00 Mb

SEXIEST 15 Years of Stunning FHM Women: A Visual Celebration is a toast to this magazine’s creativity, evolution, and excellence. It’s about taking pride in a body of work solidified through the years by the partnerships we’ve forged with the country’s celebrated photographers, stylists, makeup artists, award-winning writers, and our no-nonsense friends from the entertainment industry. Most of all,it’s a salute to the finest, most iconic and gorgeous women who have blessed us with their beauty, elegance, open-mindedness, passion, and trust. Rejoice, FHM Nation! Here’s to glorious memories and a future you can expect to be as equally momentous.

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FHM Philippines - Sexiest: 15 years of stunning FHM women
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