Slimming World - March/April 2015

Download Slimming World Magazine March April 2015 True PDF - The UK's best-selling slimming magazine

Slimming World is the UK’s best-selling slimming title. We’re dedicated to making your slimming journey as easy and enjoyable as possible, and helping you maintain your ideal weight for life.

weight loss healthy recipes magazine
Slimming World - March/April 2015
English | 132 pages | True PDF | 26 Mb

Slimming World is the UK's best-selling weight-loss magazine. It's packed with healthy recipes, real-life success stories and expert advice to help you slim down and maintain your ideal shape for life.In every issue you'll find:

• 40+ pages of fabulously filling recipes that slim
• An exclusive 7-day eating plan to super-charge your weight loss
• Inspiring real-life stories from slimmers like you
• Smart strategies to help you stay on track
• Fitness ideas to help speed up your weight loss
• Fashion and beauty ideas

Slimming World - March/April 2015 True PDF
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