Diva UK – June 2014

Download Diva UK June 2014 PDF ~ The leading lesbian glossy monthly magazine is now digital.

Diva magazine launched in March 1994 and now celebrating 15 years in 2009, DIVA is the leading lesbian magazine in Europe if not the world. To celebrate our 15th Birthday we have just introduced a new design and look with fresh new content from a lesbian perspective and now offer the magazine online to down load as a single issue or subscription. This means anyone in the world can now buy Diva for digital delivery to your desktop for the same cost to buy it in the shops in the UK.

Natasha Lyonne on DIVA lesbian magazine UK June 2014
Diva UK – June 2014
nglish | 100 pages | True PDF | 37 MB

Orange is the New Black star Natasha Lyonne is featured in the June 2014 issue of DIVA Magazine UK.

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Diva UK June 2014 PDF
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