Vogue Living Australia – January - February 2014 PDF

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Vogue Living Magazine Australia – January/February 2014
English | 172 Pages | HQ PDF | 167 MB

Vogue Living January/February 2014 Issue:

The glamorous Perth home of designer Christian Lyon covers Vogue Living's latest issue, which features the 1980s home's recent makeover in all its glory.

We also visit the Sydney apartment of Melanie Greensmith, owner of cult clothing label Wheels & Dollbaby, and enjoy the natural splendour of Fiji's most exclusive hideaway.

Metalwork designer Anna Charlesworth's "functional poetry" light fittings are showcased to perfection in her Melbourne home, while Adelaide up-and-comer Amy Joy Watson's floating, colourful creations are featured for the first time.

New York's recently rejuvenated Harlem, with its rich history and vibrant community life, is explored; and a former Greenwich Village dosshouse is transformed into a Parisian-inspired hotel.

Vogue Living Magazine Australia – January/February 2014
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